

Chapter 14 - Mid-Year Review

“The results from your blood tests should be done processing soon Miss Shipley. I just need to consult with the medical director assigned to your file for a brief moment. Please sit tight and I will return in a few minutes.”

“Sure thing,” Jessica said giddily while easing her ample backside into the medical examination chair.

The day Jessica was eagerly awaiting had finally arrived. Her second return visit to the research team’s medical labs marked the halfway point of her year-long journey inside another woman’s body, and with only six months remaining before the end of the experiment, most participants in her position would have begun to count down the days remaining until they could return to their old lives and routines. As for Jessica, the only thing the former fitness trainer could think about was the heat radiating between her ample thighs, a side effect of the unending satisfaction the woman extracted from the disgusted and judgmental looks she frequently received from strangers that couldn’t understand how someone would let their body fall into such a state.

Three weeks had gone by since the growing plumper had breached the 300 pound threshold, and with the help of Dan‘s enthusiasm and bank account, Jessica had continued to pile on the pounds at a nearly impossible clip.

“Fuck they must think I’m such a fat and disgusting slob,” the 322-pound woman thought to herself as she ran a hand along the waistband of her strained black yoga pants, the horny accountant summoning every ounce of self control to keep herself from masturbating in the examination room.

Jessica couldn’t help but replay the last half hour in her mind again as she waited, reliving every moment as the research assistant weighed, poked, and prodded her growing body, the older lady dressed in a white lab coat doing little to conceal her disgust as she measured Jessica’s expanded dimensions. The woman had been practically seething with judgment as she ran down the list of standard questions to ask each participant, and Jessica loved every second of it.

With her eyes closed, Jessica‘s sausage fingers methodically eased their way towards her pleasure center, gliding over her tucked in belly before closing in on her soft and yielding pubic area. However, just as she was about to make contact, the door to the exam room reopened, and the 322-pounder nearly fell off the examination bed as the research assistant returned with a tall man dressed in a similar white lab coat right beside her.

“Miss Shipley this is Doctor Roberts, he is tasked with overseeing the health of our participants in this region. He has asked to review your labs personally given your… experience thus far in the experiment.”

Jessica adjusted herself in the chair, sitting upright and turning to face the two medical professionals.

“Oh, well uh, hello there,” Jessica stuttered awkwardly as she suddenly found herself feeling strangely embarrassed in the man’s company. Standing at more than six feet tall, the doctor possessed an imposing presence made even more striking by his blonde hair and piercing green eyes.

“Thank you very much for the introduction, I should be able to take it from here.”

Jessica squirmed slightly in her chair as the research assistant left her alone in the room with the handsome man in his mid 30s. She couldn’t understand why, but for the first time since embracing her weight gain, the fat woman almost felt embarrassed by her looks as she did her best to adjust her clothing.

“So Miss Shipley,” the doctor said as he sat in a nearby chair and rolled towards the awaiting woman. “I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to go over your results personally given your recent… changes. Is that ok?”

Jessica could feel the heat between her legs roiling as the man grew close. The doctor was a straight up hunk, and all of a sudden the excitement she had felt from her fattened state had begun to work against her. For the first time since embracing her growing body, Jessica felt a flicker of genuine embarrassment at what she had done to herself.

“Yeah that’s fine I suppose,” she spoke nervously while avoiding eye contact.

The doctor gave her a warm smile as he flipped through a stack of papers in his hands. “It says here that you used to be a fitness trainer before the experiment. Is that correct?”

Feeling every ounce of moisture disappear from her throat, Jessica nodded affirmatively.

“And it says here that when you were placed in April Milton’s body, your starting weight was only 203 pounds. Is that correct?”

Trying her best to act naturally, Jessica adjusted her posture once more, her plush belly extending outward atop her thighs.

“Yeah that sounds right.”

Dr. Roberts gave another smile before flipping through the pages. “How about this. I’m going to give you the bad news first so we can just get it out of the way. Sound good?”

Jessica’s face reddened as the temperature around her rose by ten degrees. Nodding affirmatively, her entire posture grew tense at the shifting mood in the room.

“This probably does not come as a surprise, but your BMI has gone from 36 to 57 over the last six months. While your body was technically already obese when you first began this experiment, it has since spiraled well into what we now refer to as Class III obesity. Just so you understand, Class III is considered the most extreme form of obesity, and it carries the potential for significant health risks.”

Jessica’s gaze drifted downward, her eyes surveying the rounded mountain of flab oozing out from her midsection. She had ignored the research assistant’s warning during her first check-in three months ago. She had continued piling on countless pounds of lard onto her already hefty body, and now every single corner of her plush shape oozed with excess.

“For now, the immediate health risks for you are relatively small,” the man said with a stern voice. “Fortunately your body is still fairly young, and the only thing our labs show us is that your blood pressure and cholesterol levels are elevated and just slightly above ideal.”

“Oh,” Jessica responded flatly. “Is that all the bad news?”

Doctor Roberts revealed a faint grin as he stood from his chair. “For now, yes.”

Lifting her gaze, Jessica watched as the man laid her medical results on a nearby counter.

“Miss Shipley, every medical protocol within this experiment calls for me to recommend the cancellation of your time inside Miss Milton’s body. You have not only significantly altered your temporary body’s appearance, but you have done irreversible damage to its long-term health. If I were to allow you to spend another six months in this body with your current trajectory, you would easily double its starting weight by the end of your 12-month period.”

Jessica felt the walls closing and around her as the doctor walked closer. She had never seriously considered the possibility that she would have to forfeit the experiment and potentially the pay check, and the excitement she had felt just five minutes ago was rapidly vanishing as a sense of fear loomed on the horizon.

“Now. What I need is to understand is… why have you gained such a staggering amount of weight, especially in such a short period of time? You were perfectly fit and healthy in your old life. Help me understand how someone so health-focused could allow this to happen.”

Jessica looked back to the floor as she tried to think of any sort of acceptable answer. She was loving life in the experiment, and the idea of returning to her old existence felt akin to death itself.

“Honestly, I’ve just been listening to what my body wants,” the woman said softly while twiddling her meaty sausage fingers. “It was never my intention to become overweight. I unexpectedly got placed in an already fat body… and at first I planned on working it into shape, but this thing had a mind of its own. It thwarted every effort I made to eat healthy and get in shape. I was losing almost every battle in what became a one-sided war, and eventually I just came to peace with the realization that this body was destined to be fat. Eventually I figured, why bother fighting it? Its previous owner certainly wasn’t too concerned.”

Doctor Roberts listened intently, surveying the landscape of her expanded form as he contemplating her tale.

“I see. Well not to worry Miss Shipley. Candidly, you are not the only participant to have gained a considerable amount of weight during this experiment.”

Jessica immediately felt her mood rebounding. “Really? I’m not the only one?” she asked with a notably lighter tone. Perhaps her situation wasn’t so drastic after all.

“Yes. We’ve had other participants experience similar outcomes, although the cause and severity of the weight gain varies greatly. Most times it’s because the person just saw an opportunity to rent someone’s body and live consequence free for a year, but even they only generally manage to gain maybe 30-50 pounds over the course of the year. A sizable gain but not life-altering.”

Jessica could feel every extra pound of flesh clinging to her body as she adjusted her posture once more. She had accumulated an almost unthinkable amount of weight in just six months, her healthy eating and exercise habits dissolving away to the point where she felt physically ill at the very thought of eating a carrot or going for a job. And now… she was being sized up by a man who could force her back to a life of living as a fitness instructor.

“I swear Doctor Roberts that was never my intent,” she pleaded almost desperately.

“Relax Jessica, I know you didn’t intend for this to happen,” the man said with a more relaxed tone, “and you can call me James. Now, would you lay back in your chair for me?”

“Y-yeah, uh sure… James,” she stammered nervously.

Using every ounce of coordination at her disposal, the woman turned her body back into the medical chair, leaning until the entirety of her padded backside was resting against the bed-like furniture.

“To gain 119 pounds in six months is extreme Jessica, even for someone taking another person’s body for a joyride.”

Staring into the ceiling, a quick jolt shot through her body as the doctors hands gripped her calves, his nimble fingers massaging her soft bodily tissue as they slowly worked their way towards her waist. Suddenly the nervous fear she had felt moments ago was melting, giving way to something else entirely.

“Please, uhhh, just call me Jess.”

“Sure thing. So Jess… be honest with me. You enjoy gaining weight, don’t you?”

Jessica’s body went rigid. How did he know? And why was he asking? Was he looking for a confirmation so he could pull the plug on her time in April’s body? She couldn’t afford to end the experiment prematurely, but something about his demeanor was off. He didn’t come across as threatening, yet she couldn’t quite place the source of his curiosity.

“I, uh. What?” She stammered as the man’s hands continued to massage their way up her legs, passing over her knees and working their way into her gooey thighs.

“It’s ok Jess,” James said coolly. “Nobody is going to terminate your participation in the experiment. After all, I wouldn’t want a gem such as yourself to get upset. I just want to understand is all.”

Jessica looked into the handsome doctors face and nearly melted as she absorbed the radiations from his warm smile. Was he… hitting on her?

“I umm. Yeah… I have enjoyed it. A lot, actually.”

Dr. Roberts continued massaging the woman’s thunder thighs, pushing each leg apart as he inched further upward.

“That’s what I thought. April is the same way, the original April that is.”

Jessica’s face contorted in a mix of shock and confusion. “Wait, how do you know that about April?”

Aside from a smug grin, Doctor Roberts appeared unfazed as he massaged the woman’s plush body.

“Let’s just say that if it weren’t for me, she would have been removed from the experiment before it ever began. Now, would you mind pulling that bountiful belly from underneath your pants? I’d love to see just how much bigger its become since the last time I held it.”

Jessica froze like a deer in headlights as the man’s hands neared her hips. What had been a simple check up was suddenly turning into something else entirely, and her head was spinning with questions about the man’s intentions.

“Don’t play coy Jess, we both know exactly how much you enjoy getting teased about your weight. It’s obvious that April’s body has had quite the effect on your personality. I bet this whole visit has been exhilarating for you, hasn’t it? Getting evaluated like a proud heifer at the state fair... I bet you were having the time of your life as we weighed you.”

Jessica moaned as she unconsciously reached her hands beneath the strained fabric of her yoga pants. Gripping the underside of her plush paunch, she had to summon every ounce of restraint to cut through the debilitating heat building between her thighs.

“Fine, but first tell me how you know about April.”

The doctor laughed as he continued massaging her plush body. “The experiment mandates that matched partners be similar in body type, which she was… until she decided to basically gain 70 pounds in the three months prior to the exchange. Technically, our protocols strongly suggested that I cancel the procedure given the deviation, but April insisted she go through with the experiment. Fortunately for her, I held an appreciation for her condition, so I decided to make an exception.”

Jessica couldn’t believe what she was hearing. This man was responsible for her entire predicament. She knew something was wrong on day one. She should have never been placed in April’s body, yet here she was six months later, carrying on April’s legacy as a gluttonous and growing piggy despite it going against everything her old self stood for.

Still gripping the warm underside of her soft belly, Jessica’s emotions swirled chaotically within. Part of her wanted to panic and run. Another part of her wanted to report the man for abusing his position. Yet as the 322-pound woman laid in the examination chair, her hands gripping the fleshy underside of her stomach, a far more primal force was surging ahead.

“You think I’m sexy, don’t you?”

The doctor coolly released his grip of the woman’s thighs, rolling his seat closer as he lowered his head within inches of her face. Caressing her soft cheek, the man leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers, their tongues intertwining for a brief moment before he pulled away.

“Jess, you are the most striking woman I have ever met.”

Jessica watched as the man gripped her forearms, and with her hands still clinging to her belly’s soft underside, the two pulled upward as one. With their joint effort, the sprawling blob of pale flesh rolled outward, emerging from within her black yoga pants as it pushed away her clothing.

“My god you are truly magnificent.”

Jessica moaned as the doctor explored her soft expanse, her mind struggling to focus as the heat between her thighs raged with new life. He wanted her. A rich and handsome doctor wanted to get down in the mud with a fat pig like her.

With each of their hands massaging her pliable belly tissue, their tongues intertwined once more. Thoughts swirled in Jessica’s head as the heat grew unbearable. Her breathing became rapid as his right hand traveled south, nearing her sensitive clit. Then out of nowhere, it hit her. Dan was still waiting in the car for her.

“Wait I… I can’t do this,” the flustered woman gasped as she pulled away, quickly tucking her belly back beneath her yoga pants. “April’s old boyfriend Dan is waiting for me in the parking lot. We’re sort of a… thing. He’ll know if we, uh, you know.”

Unsure how to proceed, Doctor Roberts pulled away while doing his best to save face.

“Sorry I was… unaware.”

Adjusting her clothes, Jessica felt an odd sense of remorse as she saw the disappointment on the doctor’s face.

“James, I’m truly sorry, but I am sort of seeing someone, well, him. I think…. But you are insanely hot and I would definitely like to stay in touch, just maybe now isn’t the right time?”

Unsure how to proceed, the doctor nodded as he went to collect the woman’s lab results.

“I understand Miss Shipley. If you do change your mind, I frequent the Irish pub right down the road from here every Friday night around six. Come by and I’ll buy you a pint and take you out for ice cream. Deal?”

Rising from her seat, Jessica looked upward towards the man towering above her short and stout frame. “Deal.”

“Good,” Doctor Roberts said while turning towards the door. “Oh and uh, one last thing before you go. I really should warn you about these results. Your immediate health risks are low for now, and while I will never complain about your beauty, you do risk developing much more serious complications if your weight continues to skyrocket. I know April was already planning on gaining this much weight herself, but just something to consider with only six months left in the experiment.”

“Understood,” Jessica said curtly as she exited the room. Waddling down the hall, she could feel the man’s watchful eyes closely inspecting her bountiful backside as she rushed towards the exit.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 month , updated 2 weeks
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Holyheck24 2 weeks
I love this story but was not prepared for the vivid detailing of vag being ripped open, and the depiction of pain. Would have appreciated a warning mate!
SLDB 1 week
I think your mind might have interpreted the scene to be a bit more intense than the author had intended lol
Chasingtruth14 2 weeks
Loving everything. Really dying to know what the original April’s plan was and what she’s doing as Jessica
4funnow 2 weeks
Getting juicy
NipNip 2 weeks
Looks like someone’s new promotion just brought her some joyful and kinky happiness. I almost thought she was gonna get fired for sure for getting quite fat, but this is a welcome surprise
SLDB 3 weeks
Sorry for the delay but the next installment is coming soon! April’s been a busy travel month for me and this next chapter is pretty long but it’s just about ready for release.
SLDB 2 weeks
Chapter had to be broken in two due to length constraints. Part 2 coming soon.
Wafflel55 4 weeks
Yeyeyiyo 4 weeks
this is an incredible story, i can’t wait for the next chapter!

how much longer do we have to wait? smiley
SLDB 1 month
Thanks everyone for the kind words! We are fast approaching the big reveal I think everyone has been waiting for!
Cheers1758 1 month
Amazing story man
Kertus 1 month
Super, wau
LoveMuffin 1 month
Jessica is going to balloon with pregnancy.

Here's hoping the boyfriend has been feeding and seeing both of them at the same time.

Imagine if Jessica swaps back and her fit body is a pregnant bbw?
Cheers1758 1 month
You are a master at this! Love your story. The way you capture the corruption and surrender is second to none in this genre
Mickmick 1 month
I’d love to see April and Jessica meet
DoomBot 1 month
This story is incredible. Can’t wait to read more.
Informatio 1 month
I can't help but wonder what April is doing to Jessica's body.
SLDB 1 month
Sounds like you will enjoy where this is heading 👀
Informatio 1 month
Seems like you could either have April destroy Jess's figure, or Jess's acclimated to eating and gaining causes her to destroy her own figure once she returns to her body. It will be interesting to see which route you go. Keep up the great work
4funnow 1 month
The way you delve into the psyche is a joy to read
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